Giving Cyprus a green future

In the wake of devastating wildfires, our Cyprus office has taken a firm stand for sustainability. We joined forces with Green Shield's inspiring 'You Reforest Cyprus' programme, donating over 2,000 saplings that we proudly helped plant on 19 November 2023. Our involvement with Green Shield's reforestation efforts in Cyprus is an ongoing commitment, a testament to our unwavering resolve to tackle environmental challenges head-on and make a meaningful difference for the planet.

Sowing seeds of sustainability
Our journey to a greener Cyprus begins with a small but mighty step – planting 2,000 saplings. This is just the beginning of a long commitment to environmental stewardship, showcasing our dedication to the island's ecological health and a sustainable future. It's a tangible expression of our corporate social responsibility and a reflection of our deep care for Cyprus' well-being.

But we're not stopping there. Our mission is gaining momentum as we plan to plant additional saplings in the same area and other regions. This expansion reaffirms our unwavering commitment to being environmental guardians, working towards a greener Cyprus with every sapling we plant.

The vision of 'You Reforest Cyprus'
The 'You Reforest Cyprus' initiative represents more than reforestation; it's an aspiration to clothe Cyprus in lush, verdant splendour. The project's nursery is the heart of this endeavour, where a variety of young, indigenous plants are nurtured, ready to breathe new life into Cyprus’s countryside.

Unity in reforestation
Our team joined forces with an enthusiastic group of students, local organisations, fire brigades, scouts, and football teams to transform a local park and school pathway into a thriving grove. These saplings, planted by hands of all ages, are growing roots in a place that resonates with community spirit.

The warmth of community effort
Despite the day's chill, the warmth of collective effort and achievement was palpable. Each participant, including our own 15 colleagues, received a certificate — a token of appreciation and a reminder of the role they played in shaping a greener future.

Forging a path to a greener future
Our reforestation effort in Cyprus is a resounding affirmation that even the smallest steps towards sustainability carry immense weight. As the saplings we planted gracefully sink their roots into the earth, we envision them as a flourishing legacy – a green legacy that fills us with immense pride. Their presence serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to join us in this crucial movement towards a more resilient and verdant Cyprus, where nature thrives in harmony with human endeavours.

Our commitment to a greener Cyprus goes far beyond one day of planting saplings. We are introducing tree adoption certificates to mark personal celebrations, entwining the milestones of our lives with the growth of our island. It's an initiative that will see us stay actively involved with future reforestation campaigns. Our ambition is to grow the Deriv Forest in Cyprus!