Hassle-free deposits and withdrawals
Use your local currency to make deposits into and withdrawals from your Deriv account.
Deriv P2P is Deriv’s peer-to-peer deposit and withdrawal service that offers an easy way to get money in and out of your Deriv account. Connect with fellow traders and transfer money in minutes.

Active users
100M+ USD
Exchanged to date

Scan to download
Android, iOS & Huawei
Get Deriv P2P
Save time
Exchange in minutes. Less waiting, more trading. Deposit and withdraw in minutes.

Works with your local currency
Deal with fellow traders at pre-agreed rates.
3 steps for faster deposits and withdrawals
Find or create an ad
Pick the best rates and place an order, or create an ad for the rates you want.
Send or receive payment
Settle the payment with the counterparty of your transaction.
Complete the transaction
Every order must be completed and confirmed within 1 hour.